Everyone connectet to the the underground waste system is able to use all food waste inlets with their key chip, the same one they use on other waste inlets. 

Food waste contains valuable nutrients we need to recycle. Anyone with an inlets chip can use this to open any of the six food waste inlets. See which food waste inlet is closest to you in the map below. All you need to get started is a kitchen vented basket and paper bags that can be picked up at the mobile recycling station. Kiwi Strandgaten and Kolonialen have paper bags when you need refills.

Studies have shown that microplastics are spread in fertilizers to agriculture, both from ordinary plastics and bioplastics. We do not want food waste from our food recycling to contribute to this and will therefore use paper bags for the food waste. These paper bags are specially made for food waste and can withstand a good deal of moisture. 

You can find more information about food waste collection in BIR here: www.bir.no/matavfall. (norwegian)

Here you can find the inlets for food waste:


  • Østre Murallmenningen 1A
  • Holbergsallmenningen 11
  • Vinjes gate
  • Thormøhlens gate
  • Tollbodallmenningen
  • Kastanjeparken